ताजा खबर: अक्टोबर ५ मा दशैं पार्टी

Let's celebrate together!

We want all our members to attend the event, but the venue has limited space. Please book early to avoid missing out.

Event: BONC Dashain Party

5th October, 2024
5:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Territorial Army Centre
Deansbrook Road, Edgware

Parking Arrangements:

Off-road parking


  • 12 years and over: £30

  • 6 to 12 years old: £15

  • Under 5: Free entry

Seating Arrangements:

This year, we'll have tables for up to 10 people, and food and drinks will be served at your table. You can enjoy the entertainment without waiting in long lines.


Will be served around 6:00 PM.

Contact Information:

  • Mr. Murari Thapa: 07782 385117

  • Mr. Prem Kandel: 07898 772391

  • Mr. Umesh Khadka: 07919 091173

Booking instructions:

Step 1:
Fill out the form below and be sure to click 'Submit.'

Step 2:
Make the payment based on the number of guests and their age.

Bank Account Details:

  • Account Name: Burnt Oak Nepalese Community

  • Sort Code: 20-29-41

  • Account Number: 20052795

  • Reference: Your Full Name

Step 3:
Once your booking and payment is confirmed, confirmation will be via the BONC Viber group with a green tick against your name. Your contact number is our primary way of confirming and validating your booking, so please double-check that it’s correct.

Booking will close on 28th September 2024

Wishing you a Happy Dashain!

Keep scrolling for booking instructions